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arcane last won the day on June 19 2015

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  1. Places To Travel With Daca

    Yes you do. We are not authorize to go on cruises because they leave the US and territories. Leaving the country violates our DACA
  2. I recently started to brew my own beer at home. Any other homebrewers on here?
  3. Transfer Past Earnings To New Ssn

    Well having filed your taxes (with ITIN) will be suffice in regards to proving you paid taxes if immigration reform bill passes.
  4. I received my letter in 2 months.
  5. Transfer Past Earnings To New Ssn

    I understand is a risky situation...but a lot of DREAMers were able to do it successfully, especially if you worked for more than 5 is only right you rightly claim what is yours.
  6. Transfer Past Earnings to New SSN If you worked with a SSN that wasn't yours, your can transfer your earning onto your new SSN. - Collect old W-2 forms (usually attached to your previous tax returns). If you don't have these, ask your employers to supply you with copies of the specific years you worked with them. -Take your taxes and W-2 forms to the Social Security Office and tell them you want to transfer your earnings to your newly issued SSN. Does not matter if your W-2s list your fake SSN or ITIN, as long as they contain your full name (not any fake names you were working under). - They will make copies of the W-2 forms and start the process. You will get a letter in about a month of the update. source:
  7. Places To Travel With Daca

    Well now you can. Anyone with a valid State ID or DL can travel since a passport is not necessary and traveling to US territories are allowed (since we are not allowed to leave the country).
  8. Places To Travel With Daca

    With DACA (after you obtain a DL or state ID), you can travel to these places: - All 50 states (including Alaska & Hawaii) - Puerto Rico - American Samoa - United States Virgin Islands - Northern Mariana Islands - Guam source: some DREAMers have already shared their stories traveling to Puerto rico and the Virgin Islands without any issues.
  9. Financial Aid Living In Illinois

    I agree with engineer2mike. Attending community colleges is cheaper, and you can get your basics and pre-requisites out of the way at a fraction of the cost, then transfer to a 4 yr university to finish your degree.
  10. Visiting Dallas/fort Worth Tx

    Isnt house of blues a music venue? They have one in Chicago as well. What is the name of that bar in downtown? Also, what is the place where Kennedy got shot? I forgot about that and will look forward on visiting that spot
  11. any interested in uploading their story? http://TheDreamisNow.Org
  12. Dreamer Travels To Puerto Rico

    Not risky at all. Some state ID/DL have "not vaild for identification" so you cannot board a plane using that ID. If you have your EAD, that is a federal ID. Traveling to puerto rico is like traveling to any US state since they are domestic flights. But again, if you thinking flying to any plane is risky, that is on you. Remember, we cannot be deported since we are granted deferred action. If they detain you, simply show that letter and they cannot deport you.