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  1. Dream Act 2013

    1. Forum News & Announcements

      All important forum updates are to be posted here. This also includes contests and giveaways.

    2. Dream Act News

      Discuss all the latest news and information about the Dream Act.
      Deferred Action news will also be available.

    3. Dream Act Questions & Answers

      All questions relating to the Dream Act will be answered here.
      Deferred Action questions will also be answered.

    4. Dream Lounge

      Discuss anything that relates to the Dream Act and also talk about experiences and extra knowledge you may have.

    5. Local Action

      Let us know about any local protests, rally's, conferences so we can all be more involved.

  2. Dream Act Talk

    1. Introduce Yourself

      Share your story and tell us a little about yourselves. Details, Details, Details People!!

    2. General Discussions

      Discuss anything not relating to the Dream Act Directly. Anything goes.

    3. Life After Deferred Action

      Discuss new openings in life including driving, jobs, flying, and anything else you come across. Anything you see deemed to relate, post HERE.

    4. Create a Poll

      Create polls and discuss the questions.
      Poll questions may be used on blog.

    5. Resume/Job Help

      Help with creating resumes and getting ready to apply for new jobs. Also locating and discussing possible jobs are discussed here.

  3. Dream Act Inquiries

    1. Forum Feedback

      If you have any new ideas, questions, problems, we would like to hear about it. We are all about making things better.

  • Members

  • Who's Online   0 Members, 0 Anonymous, 27 Guests (See full list)

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  • Recent Status Updates

    • maven  »  REPutation

      I miss that sexy texas booty
      · 1 reply
    • sotero_gonzalez

      I apologize for being absent for a long time.  I have been selfish because when I needed advice or knowledge about DACA and the process, this forum and it's members were the only ones that were always willing to help in any way possible.  I got caught up with life and growing up, being a father, trying to provide for my family and other things.  I guess I thought that since I already had my EAD, I had nothing else to do here.  I was dead wrong, we are still fighting the good fight not only for us but for the generations after us.  Now I find myself on another process trying to get permanent residency through advance parole.  If anyone has any questions about what I filled or the process in general, feel free to message me.
      · 782 replies
    • Calidreamer

      Patience is something you admire in the driver behind you and scorn in the one ahead of you. 
      -Mac McCleary
      · 0 replies
    • Calidreamer

      Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable. 
      Sidney J. Harris
      · 0 replies
    • Calidreamer

      If "Plan A"
      Didn't work
      The alphabet has
      25 more letters!
      Stay cool DREAMers!
      · 0 replies
    • Calidreamer

      It's close to midnight
      Something evil's lurking from the dark
      Under the moonlight
      You see a sight that almost stops your heart
      You try to scream
      But terror takes the sound before you make it
      · 0 replies
    • Calidreamer

      until your
      haters ask
      if you're hiring
      Good Morning and Happy Monday DREAMERS!
      · 0 replies
  • Latest Posts

    • What is a testnet?
      A testnet faucet provides web3 developers with free tokens for deploying, testing, and optimizing smart contracts on test blockchains such as Sepolia, Goerli, and Mumbai.

      Because smart contracts on public, mainnet blockchains like Ethereum and Polygon require gas fees to run smart contracts, testnets provide blockchain developers with a network that mirrors production blockchain environments without requiring gas fees that cost real money.

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    • What is a testnet?
      A testnet faucet provides web3 developers with free tokens for deploying, testing, and optimizing smart contracts on test blockchains such as Sepolia, Goerli, and Mumbai.

      Because smart contracts on public, mainnet blockchains like Ethereum and Polygon require gas fees to run smart contracts, testnets provide blockchain developers with a network that mirrors production blockchain environments without requiring gas fees that cost real money.

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    • What is a testnet?
      A testnet faucet provides web3 developers with free tokens for deploying, testing, and optimizing smart contracts on test blockchains such as Sepolia, Goerli, and Mumbai.

      Because smart contracts on public, mainnet blockchains like Ethereum and Polygon require gas fees to run smart contracts, testnets provide blockchain developers with a network that mirrors production blockchain environments without requiring gas fees that cost real money.

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    • What is a testnet?
      A testnet faucet provides web3 developers with free tokens for deploying, testing, and optimizing smart contracts on test blockchains such as Sepolia, Goerli, and Mumbai.

      Because smart contracts on public, mainnet blockchains like Ethereum and Polygon require gas fees to run smart contracts, testnets provide blockchain developers with a network that mirrors production blockchain environments without requiring gas fees that cost real money.

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    • What is a testnet?
      A testnet faucet provides web3 developers with free tokens for deploying, testing, and optimizing smart contracts on test blockchains such as Sepolia, Goerli, and Mumbai.

      Because smart contracts on public, mainnet blockchains like Ethereum and Polygon require gas fees to run smart contracts, testnets provide blockchain developers with a network that mirrors production blockchain environments without requiring gas fees that cost real money.

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