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itzel last won the day on September 11 2014

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About itzel

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    Platinum Member
  • Birthday July 16

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    http://Facebook: Itzel Carranco in my city..

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    El Paso, Texas
  • Interests
    I enjoy reading on my kindle, and playing zombies on Call of Duty Black Ops..I also love spending time with my family and my little man Bambi

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  1. Got my DACA renewal approved today!!! Card in the mail!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. itzel


      Thanks girls. Keep your chin up Bahama Girl, if it gets very difficult, I'd suggest speaking to an officer at USCIS, I've spoken to them before when I've felt my case was taking too long and they are helpful.

    3. outofmxny


      Congratulations! :)

    4. lapancha77


      Congrats !!! did you have to go into unlawful presence? dose you renewal start when your old one expires?

      Sorry for all the questions I'm just worried about my case I haven't heard anything I went to my biometrics on 8/6 and I don't want to go into unlawful presence as I would lose my job that I really love.

  2. I also remember when I first applied in 2012, there was a lot of talk of getting it notarized. Seems it'd help the validity of the document
  3. @jessevigil: I did it by myself. More affordable that way & I didn't have problems the first time.
  4. Car Loans

    I was approved for DACA in Oct 2012 and had the same problem applying for car loans due to lack of credit. I bought a used car wish cash in hand. I also recommend going to local used car places, they may be more willing to work with you. Hope this helps.
  5. Help ! Confused

    Be patient, remember a lot of us that applied for DACA in 2012 are now applying for renewal soo that wait may be a little longer...
  6. Received biometrics appointment for DACA renewal for July 10th

    1. roadrunner11


      oh good to know! I hope mine comes soon itzel!

    2. itzel


      It will roadrunner!! I was very surprised at how fast I got the date.

  7. Biometrics Appointment Letter

    It also depends on your service center. I applied for my renewal for DACA on June 9th, they got it June 11th ( I expedited it). I received email & text with receipt # on June 13th. I got physical letters with same info June 17th. On June 23rd I got biometrics appointment for July 10th. Hope this helps.
  8. @holdingon2promise: Seems there is a confusion, I never said you said it would be the DREAMER's fault if they didn't renew on time. I made that as a general comment that it is not our fault if USCIS doesn't go through our application on time. When you say, "People can get caught up in life and may not realize time is running out. As a premed student I would never remember... Ever"...I understand people get caught up with things, but something as important as renewing your EAD in order to work and study should be at the top of your list. There are calendar apps that can remind you of important events. I work full time at a law firm and am also a pre med student attempting to get into the surgical field and want to continue on this path, so I have made it a priority to stay on top of these dates. Hope you receive your EAD very soon...
  9. DACA renewal package was accepted..countdown begins.. this after receiving email and text from USCIS!!!!

    1. itzel


      I forgot to add it was accepted Friday June 13th, 2 days after I sent it =)

    2. Heisenberg2
  10. You can try and blur it out but just remember it may raise a few more questions. Do you still have contact with a manager at that old place you used to work with? if so, if its only for verification purposes, there should be no problem with them verifying with that manager. Just make sure to stress out to that manager to please not disclose your SS#.
  11. From what I recall reading on the USCIS website, as long as you sent in your renewal package in the time they recommended.......if theres a back log that is not our fault, and our EAD expires, you can keep on's what they have on their website: If your previous period of deferred action expires before you receive a renewal of deferred action under DACA, you will accrue unlawful presence and will not be authorized to work for any time between the periods of deferred action. For this reason, USCIS encourages you to submit your request for renewal 120 days before your current period of deferred action under DACA expires. BUT......... Note: If USCIS is unexpectedly delayed in processing your renewal request, we may provide deferred action and employment authorization for a short period of time until we finish processing your request. We may do this if you filed your request at least 120 days before your current period of deferred action and employment authorization expire. This is why I sent my renewal package close to the 4 month mark to bypass this paperwork b*^$#*%t.
  12. Are Dreamers Considered Legal Residents?

    Up to where I know DACA doesn't give us any type of "status". We are neither citizens, temporary or permanent residents. I got my EAD in Oct. 2012 and have been working since then. I applied for TASFA and have been getting about $2000 per semester, excluding summer semesters. I'll be done with my basics this fall 2014 and entering my desired program in March 2015. Hope this helps.
  13. Renewing Daca

    Biometrics are annoying in the sense we have to take 1/2 a day to a full day of work off to go do.The last time I was in & out in 20 minutes. I'll be asking for 1/2 a day.
  14. Official Daca Renewal Released

    And don't forget they want copy of your current EAD front & if they don't have it in the system....
  15. Work Permit Authentication

    When I first applied in 2012 they were a bit strict about waiting 10 days to apply for your SS card..I think I waited minimum 4 days. Its an issue of letting the left hand get caught up with what the right hand is doing.