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Hello_keren last won the day on December 3 2013

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About Hello_keren

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  • Birthday January 30

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  • Location
    Chicago, IL
  • Interests
    Selling on Ebay, Spending time and having fun with family, learning new stuff.

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  1. Anybody knows something about the new Real I.D card? Something like a national card, I saw this on the news that at the beginning of 2016 you will no longer fly within the United States with your state driver license or state I.D..unless you show USA passport , military I.D or this New Real I.D card. I have some concerns, I don't know about the requirements to obtain one, will we be able to apply for this???
  2. I just passed the state competency exam for nursing assistant, but will continue with my studies.......I do have a big dream of how I pic myself in 5 years but I think I will keep it to myself , you guys will think Im crazy.
  3. How Long For Work Permit To Come????

    about 5-7 business days
  4. I Got Approved!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Dreamers Nd Obama Care ??!!

    I was told today that one of the requirements to get in the phlebotomy program, is a proof of health insurance for clinicals............and have no idea how to get one.
  6. Is This Mean I Got Approved?

    YES YES YES. CONGRATULATIONS Mines was like that too, dont worry
  7. Ca Id And Ssn

    Mines starts with a 4 and my ID is for 6 years
  8. Careers After Your Daca.

    I always wanted to be a nurse, after DACA I enrolled in the CNA program this year and will finish in november and will take the state exam on january. Will continue next year for the Practical Nurse program. Now with the help of DACA I will be able to accomplish what I couldn't back in the time.
  9. Collegee

    Unfortunately for us , cant apply for financial aid except for texas and california which I believe they do help undocumented students. Dont give up , right now Im attending college and paying out of my pocket its hard because I have two kids but not impossible. Check your city colleges they are more cheaper than universities or private schools. Good luck
  10. :''( Why God??

    OMG! I'm happy for you , Thank God you got approved this time , now there is so much to do and enjoy, this feels like a dream , we only hope one day we can be part of this country without hiding in the shadows.
  11. So today I had my first class in the CNA program , it feels good to be back at college.

  12. I'm approved, can't believe it, I though It was goint to take longer, can't wait for my new life to change. Thank you God

    1. WGATAP


      Congrats, wishing you all the best !!

    2. Hello_keren


      Thanks, you will be next have patience.

  13. Is It Safe To Work In A Airport?

    Thanks guys
  14. Pursuit Of Happiness

    I feel the same, I just had to let go two great jobs with good pay and benefits because I'm not approve yet, one of them is like my dream job but with no good social security number and no work card can't apply , so have to wait and keep looking for jobs.
  15. 2013 Timelines/approvals

    How can I post my timeline like you do?