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About Dreamersofhappiness

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    South Carolina

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  2. Took my first exam today, and i passed with what i was aiming for! :D tomorrow one more exam and im done! wish me luck..:)

  3. its finals week! Start to a new semester soon! wish me luck....

  4. Hi, so i am just now starting my credit, i know all about the 3 bureaus that provide free yearly credit view, i apply for verizon but they required a 400 dollar credit! i was very upset, i am afraid to apply somewhere else, because its bad to get your credit run so much! any tips? or carriers? i really want to start my own credit.
  5. Here still up at 2 am, doing you know typical Government and Econ Homework :o

  6. How long after Biometrics to get approved?

    My biometrics for the first time was OCT 2 and received my card Dec 18.
  7. Getting To Havard

    Getting into Harvard is very challenging, but if you put yourself to it you can make it happen. Its going to required good grades, most teachers say your last 2 years matter,I think all 4 years matter. Freshman applicantsAll freshman applicants
  8. Work Permit Expire Next Thursday The 27Th :(

    I feel your pain, my work permit expired December 20- Send my paperwork August 15- Received notification on Sept 11 Biometrics on November 3 Still have not heard from them!! My manager is a great person, and said i can back once i get my work permit!
  9. Figured I'd Introduce Myself.

    I wanted to be a Army Nurse in the future, because i was accepted to the ATA, but once i walked in they told me i have to be a citizen to fully receive my license to be a NURSE. I was upset the whole day because i worked really hard my 4 years in high school trying to maintain a outstanding GPA, yet to tell me i can not succeed my career. It feels terrible. Now i do not know what to do cause,I am graduating early this January, and i have 4 months to work hard and save as much, because in June I walk with my class to graduate... All colleges are making me pay OUT state tuition.
  10. Just Another Introductory Story!

    This is amazing! You are truly a huge inspiration to everyone, never give up! My story: In 1999 my mom left mexico to come to US, what was odd is that all my family members were located in CALIFORNIA, she change her mind and decided to not go to California but to go to South Carolina, a small country state. My mom left me in Mexico with my aunt and cousins. No one will understand how bad i missed my mom when i was just 3 years old, i cried and cried. In 2004 my mom told me she found a great stable job, and bought a house with my own room. She told me she will send money so i can come to her, so my aunt works for the government in MEXICO she somehow got me approved for a visa, i was so happy. Visa only means stay in USA for a certain time. Well i flew from mexico, to USA! I was so happy to finally meet my mom after 4 years. I did not want to leave, she didn't want me to leave so i stayed. I went to school in South Carolina, i was very lucky to have a Puerto Rican teacher! When DACA was approved i was 14, i was very happy... because i knew that i am going to be able to attend college and do many huge things. Right now i am currently in my senior year,talking about colleges is really hard for me now because most of them require a high tuition, also to get accepted for most scholarship you are required to be a citizen.It is really hard for me seeing my friends get accepted to the universities i could possibly get accepted but i do not have the ability to get as much scholarships as them... Also i have to pay OUT STATE TUITION! All i can say is that i am very blessed, everything happens for a reason.I will not give up, and hope no one does.
  11. Welcome to the forums Dreamersofhappiness :)