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  1. Upvote
    dreamer101 got a reaction from stolenlacs in Yohoho Me' Hearties   
    Yoho all me hearties, how ye be?, I just joined the adreamact site and happy to be here with ye. I am adding my timeline soon! and nice to meet you all! 
  2. Upvote
    dreamer101 got a reaction from Yureelee in Opening A Bank Account   
    Right now chase is about the same as wellsfargo,   chase charges you 12$ if you have a balance of less than 1500$. Wellsfargo waves the 12$ if you use your card 10 times in a month.  I had Chase, and when my balance went below 1,500, they started charging me even if you add more balance they charged after your balance has gone below 1,500.  Wellsfargo is not on the favorite list either but at least they wave the monthly fee if you use it 10 times.
  3. Upvote
    dreamer101 got a reaction from stolenlacs in Anyone Need Resume Help Or Interview Help?   
    Anyone having interview soon or looking to get their resume in order? let me know, I have had tons of interviews, (like 30)+ in the past 7 years, also my resume always catch any eye of any potential employer, I can definitely point you in the right direction whether you are a male or female, I am sure I can help, just let me know!.
  4. Upvote
    dreamer101 got a reaction from Erick in Can We Put Our Job Experience When Worked With A Fake Social On Job Applications?   
    YES!, you can put anything that you actually have knowledge of you, it has nothing to do with your social, just with your skills!
  5. Upvote
    dreamer101 got a reaction from Yureelee in Hi!.. Im Yuri   
    Hi Yuri, wonderful story reminds me of myself!... Very glad you got approved!
  6. Upvote
    dreamer101 got a reaction from Yureelee in Stay With Employer Or Find New Employment?   
    You should follow your dreams...